Publications, 2000-2009


Fortin, M.-J. and M.R.T. Dale. 2009. Spatial autocorrelation in ecological studies: A legacy of solutions and myths. Geographical Analysis, 41:392-397.

Richardson, M.C., M.-J. Fortin, and B.A. Branfireun. 2009. Hydrogeomorphic edge detection and delineation of landscape functional units from lidar digital elevation models. Water Resour. Res., 45: W10441, doi:10.1029/2008WR007518.

Barbeito, I., M.-J. Fortin, F. Montes and I. Cañellas. 2009. Response of pine natural regeneration to small-scale spatial variation in a managed Mediterranean mountain forest. Applied Vegetation Science, 12: 488-503.

Dale, M.R.T. and M.-J. Fortin. 2009. Spatial Autocorrelation and Statistical Tests: Some Solutions. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14: 188-206.

Ruppert, J.L.W., M.-J. Fortin, G.A. Rose and R. Devillers. 2009. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) distribution response to environmental variability in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 66: 909-918.

Melles, S.J., D. Badzinski, M.-J. Fortin, F. Csillag and K. Lindsay. 2009. Disentangling habitat and social drivers of nesting patterns in songbirds. Landscape Ecology, 24:519-531.

Rayfield, B., A. Moilanen and M.-J. Fortin. 2009. Incorporating consumer-resource spatial interactions in reserve design. Ecological Modelling, 220: 725-733.


Jordan, G.J., Fortin, M.-J., and Lertzman, K.P. 2008. Spatial pattern and persistence of historical fire boundaries in southern interior British Columbia. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 15: 523-535.

Philibert, M. D., Fortin, M.-J., and F. Csillag. 2008. Spatial structure effects on the detection of patches boundaries using local operators. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 15: 447-467.

Jacquez, G.M., M.-J. Fortin and P. Goovaerts. 2008. Preface to the special issue on spatial statistics for boundary and patch analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 15: 365-367.

Rayfield, B., P.M.A. James, A. Fall and M.-J. Fortin. 2008. Comparing static versus dynamic protected areas in the Quebec boreal forest. Biological Conservation, 141: 438-449.


James, P.M.A., M.-J. Fortin, A. Fall, D. Kneeshaw and C. Messier. 2007. The effects of spatial legacies following shifting management practices and fire on boreal forest age structure. Ecosystems, 10: 1261-1277.

Fall, A, M.-J. Fortin, M. Manseau and D. O’Brien. 2007. Spatial graphs: Principles and applications for habitat connectivity. Ecosystems, 10: 448-461.

Didion, M., M.-J. Fortin, and A. Fall. 2007. Forest age structure as indicator of boreal forest sustainability under alternative management and fire regimes: A landscape level sensitivity analysis. Ecological Modelling, 200: 45-58.


Camarero J.J., and M.-J. Fortin. 2006. Detección cuantitativa de fronteras ecológicas y ecotonos . Ecosistemas. 2006/3 (URL:

McIntire, E.J.B. and M.-J. Fortin. 2006. Structure and function of wildfire and mountain pine beetle forest boundaries. Ecography, 29: 309-318.

O’Brien, D., M. Manseau, A. Fall and M.-J. Fortin. 2006. Testing the importance of spatial configuration of winter habitat for woodland caribou: An application of graph theory. Biological Conservation, 130: 70-83.

Camarero, J.J., E. Gutiérrez and M.-J. Fortin. 2006. Spatial patterns of plant richness across treeline ecotones in the Pyrenees reveal different locations for richness and tree cover boundaries. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 15: 182-191.


Camarero, J.J., E. Gutiérrez, M.-J. Fortin and E. Ribbens. 2005. Spatial patterns of tree recruitment in a relict population of Pinus uncinata: forest expansion through stratified-diffusion. Journal of Biogeography. 32: 1979-192.

James, P., B. Rayfield, A. Fall, M.-J. Fortin and G. Farley. 2005. Reserve network design combining spatial graph theory and species’ spatial requirements. Geomatica, 59: 121-129.

Jordan, G.J., M.-J. Fortin and K.P. Lertzman. 2005. Assessing spatial uncertainty associated with forest fire boundary delineation. Landscape Ecology, 20: 719-731.

Fortin, M.-J. and A.A. Agrawal. 2005. Landscape ecology comes of age. Ecology, 86: 1965-1966.

Wagner, H.H. and M.-J. Fortin. 2005. Spatial analysis of landscapes: concepts and statistics. Ecology, 86: 1975-1987.

Green, J.L., A. Hastings, P. Arzberger, F.J. Ayala, K.L. Cottingham, K. Cuddington, F.D. Davis, J.A. Dunne, M.-J. Fortin, L. Gerber, L. and M. Neubert. 2005. Complexity in ecology and conservation: mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges. BioScience, 55: 501-510.

Fortin, M.-J., T.H. Keitt, B.A. Maurer, M.L. Taper, D.M. Kaufman and T.M. Blackburn. 2005. Species ranges and distributional limits: pattern analysis and statistical issues. Oikos, 108: 7-17.


Legendre, P. M.R.T. Dale, M.-J. Fortin, P. Casgrain, and J. Gurevitch. 2004. Effects of spatial structures on the results of field experiments. Ecology, 85: 3202-3214.

St-Louis, V., M.-J. Fortin and A. Desrochers. 2004. Association between microhabitat and territory boundaries of two forest songbirds. Landscape Ecology, 19: 591-601.

Pennanen, J.K., D.F. Greene, M.-J. Fortin and C. Messier. 2004. Spatially explicit simulation of long-term boreal forest landscape dynamics: incorporating prediction of quantitative stand attributes. Ecological Modelling, 180: 195-209.

Redding, T.E., G.D. Hope, M.G. Schmidt and M.-J. Fortin. 2004. Spatial patterns of N availability across forest-clearcut edges in the southern interior of British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res., 34: 1018-1024.

Plante, M., L. Lowell, F. Potvin, B. Boots and M.-J. Fortin. 2004. Studying deer habitat on Anticosti Island, Québec: Relating animal occurrences and forest map information. Ecological Modelling, 174: 387-399.

Fall, A., M.-J. Fortin, D.D. Kneeshaw, S.H. Yamasaki, C. Messier, L. Bouthillier and C. Smyth. 2004. Consequence of various landscape-scale ecosystem management strategies and fire cycles on age-class structure and harvest in boreal forests. Can. J. For. Res., 34: 310-322.


Asselin H., S. Payette, M.-J. Fortin and S. Vallée. 2003. Northern distribution limit of Pinus banksiana Lamb. in Canada: explaining the difference between the west and the east. Journal of Biogeography, 30: 1709-1718.

Fagan, W.F., M.-J. Fortin and C. Soykan. 2003. Integrating edge detection and dynamic modeling in quantitative analyses of ecological boundaries. BioScience, 53: 730-738.

Fortin, M.-J. B. Boots, F. Csillag and T.K. Remmel. 2003. On the role of spatial stochastic models in understanding landscape indices in ecology. Oikos. 102: 203-212. PDF

Redding, T.E., G.D. Hope, M.-J. Fortin, M.G. Schmidt and W.G. Bailey. 2003. Spatial patterns of soil temperature and moisture across subalpine forest-clearcut edges in the southern interior of British Columbia. Can. J. Soil Science. 83: 121-130. PDF


D’Eon, R. G., S. M. Glenn, I. Parfitt, and M.-J. Fortin. 2002. Landscape connectivity as a function of scale and organism vagility in a real forested landscape. Conservation Ecology 6(2): 10. [online] URL:

Manseau, M., A. Fall, D. O’Brien and M.-J. Fortin. 2002. National Parks and the protection of woodland caribou: a multi-scale landscape analysis method. Research Links, 10(2): 24-28.

Legendre, P., M.R.T. Dale, M.-J. Fortin, J. Gurevitch, M. Hohn and D. Myers. 2002. The consequences of spatial structure for the design and analysis of ecological field surveys. Ecography, 25: 601-616.

Dale, M.R.T., P. Dixon, M.-J. Fortin, P. Legendre, D. Myers, and M. Rosenberg. 2002. The Conceptual and Mathematical Relationships among Methods for Spatial Analysis. Ecography, 25: 558-577.

Dungan, J.L., S. Citron-Pousty, M. Dale, M.-J. Fortin, A. Jakomulska, P. Legendre, M. Miriti, M. Rosenberg. 2002. A balanced view of scaling in spatial statistical analysis. Ecography, 25: 626-640. PDF

Fortin, M.-J. and S. Payette.2002. How to test the significance of the relation between spatially autocorrelated data at the landscape scale: a case study using fire and forest maps. Ecoscience, 9: 213-218.

Dale, M.R.T. and M.-J. Fortin. 2002. Spatial autocorrelation and statistical tests in ecology. Ecoscience, 9: 162-167.

Fortin, M.-J. 2002. Spatial analysis in ecology: statistical and landscape scale issues. Ecoscience, 9: iii-v.

Jordan, G. and M.-J. Fortin. 2002. Scale and topology in the ecological economics sustainability paradigm. Ecological Economics, 41: 361-366.

Greene, D., C. Messier, H. Asselin and M.-J. Fortin. 2002. The effect of light and basal area on cone production in Abies balsamea and Picea glauca Can. J. Bot., 80: 370-377.


Csillag, F., B. Boots, M.-J. Fortin, K. Lowell, and F. Potvin. 2001. Multiscale charaterization of boundaries and landscape ecological patterns. Geomatica, 55: 291-307.

Potvin, F., K. Lowell, M.-J. Fortin and L. Bélanger. 2001. How to test habitat selection at the home range scale: a resampling random windows technique. Ecoscience, 8: 399-406.

Payette, S., M.-J. Fortin and I. Gamache. 2001. The subarctic forest-tundra: the anatomy of a biome in a changing climate. BioScience, 51: 709-719.

Dubé, P., M.-J. Fortin, C.D. Canham and D.J. Marceau. 2001. Quantifying global gap dynamics and spatio-temporal structures in spatially-explicit models of temperate forest ecosystems. Ecological Modelling, 142: 39-60.

Bélisle, M., A. Desrochers and M.-J. Fortin. 2001. Landscape barriers to forest birds: a test with homing experiments. Ecology, 82: 1893-1904.


Kneeshaw, D.D., S. Yamasaki, M.-J. Fortin, A. Leduc et C. Messier. 2000. Développement d’indicateurs et d’outils d’évaluation de GDF à une échelle opérationnelle: un défi d’intégration. Aubelle (134: 20-22 & 135: 19-20).

Bradshaw, G.A. and M.-J. Fortin. 2000. Landscape heterogeneity effects on scaling and monitoring large areas using remote sensing data. Geographic Information Sciences, 6: 61-68.

Asselin, H., M.-J. Fortin and Y. Bergeron. 2000. Spatial distribution of late-successional coniferous species regeneration following disturbance in southwestern Québec boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 140: 29-37.

Desrochers, A. and M.-J. Fortin. 2000. Understanding avian responses to boundaries: a case study with chikadee winter flocks. Oikos, 91: 376-384.

Jacquez, G.M., S. Maruca and M.-J. Fortin. 2000. From fields to objects: a review of geographic boundary analysis. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2: 221-241.

Camarero, J.J., E. Gutiérrez and M.-J. Fortin. 2000. Spatial pattern of subalpine forest-alpine grassland ecotones in the Spanish Central Pyrenees. Forest Ecology and Management, 134: 1-16.

Fortin, M.-J. and G.M. Jacquez. 2000. Randomization tests and spatially autocorrelated data. Bulletin of the ESA, 81: 201-206.

Csillag, F., M.-J. Fortin, and J. Dungan. 2000. On the limits and extensions of the definition of scale. Bulletin of the ESA, 81: 230-232.

Camarero, J.J., E. Gutiérrez and M.-J. Fortin. 2000. Boundary detection in altitudinal treeline ecotones in the Spanish Central Pyrenees. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 32: 117-126.

Fortin, M.-J., R.J. Olson, S. Ferson, L. Iverson, C. Hunsaker, G. Edwards, D. Levine, K. Butera, and V. Klemas. 2000. Issues related to the detection of boundaries. Landscape Ecology, 15: 453-466.

Delage, V., M.-J. Fortin et A. Desrochers. 2000. Effets de lisière et d’isolement des habitats d’oiseaux chanteurs dans les tourbières exploitées. Ecoscience, 7: 149-156.

[2010 – to present]

[1989 – 1999]