

Dale MRT, M-J Fortin. 2021. Quantitative Analysis of Ecological Networks. Cambridge University Press.

Fletcher R, M-J Fortin. 2019. Spatial Ecology and Conservation Modeling: Applications with R. Springer.

Dale MRT, M-J Fortin. 2014. Spatial Analysis. A Guide for Ecologists. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press.

Fortin M-J, MRT Dale. 2014. Spatial Analysis: A Guide for Ecologists. Cambridge University Press. (translation: X Yang ). Higher Education Press, Beijing (Published Sept. 9, 2014; Pp. 304).

Fortin M-J, MRT Dale. 2005. Spatial Analysis. A Guide for Ecologists. Cambridge University Press.

In Press

Schwantes A, Rauen Firkowski C, Gonzalez A, Fortin M-J. Revealing driver-mediated indirect interactions between ecosystem services using Bayesian Belief Networks. Ecosystem Services

Puettmann KJ, D’Amato AW, Dockry M, Fortin M-J, Himes A, Palik B, Waring K, Windmuller M. 2025. Silviculture: More complex than ever. Journal of Forestry


Qiu ML, Liu DF, Zhao YX, Tong ZM, He JH, Fortin MJ, Huang JL. 2025. Assessing assisted natural regeneration as a cost‐efficient mitigation for climate change and biodiversity loss in China. Earth’s Future 13(3):e2024EF005257.

Devarajan K, Fidino M, Farris ZJ, Adalsteinsson SA, Andrade-Ponce G, Angstmann JL, Anthonysamy W, Aquino J, Asefa A, Avila B, Bailey LL. When the wild things are: Defining mammalian diel activity and plasticity. Science Advances. 2025 Feb 26;11(9):eado3843.

Gelmi-Candusso TA, Chin ATM, Ruppert JLW, Fortin M-J. 2025. Urban planning for wildlife connectivity, a multispecies assessment of urban sprawl and SLOSS renaturalization strategies. Journal of Applied Ecology

Sonsthagen SA, Wilson RE, Turner R, Fortin M-J, Gilchrist G, Friesen V. 2025. Wintering grounds leave their mark: Where birds winter influences genomic structure in Arctic nesting common eiders. Conservation Genetics 26:89-101

Huang J-L, Qian S, Fortin M-J. 2025. Spatio-temporal land use dynamics filter life history strategies to shape urban spontaneous plant assemblages. Ecological Applications 35:e70008

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Gravel D, Leroux SJ, Poisot T, Fortin M-J. 2025. Publication-driven consistency in food web structures: Implications for comparative ecology. Ecology 106:e4467

Theis S, Chin ATM, Wallace A, Cartwright L, Fortin M-J, Poesch MS, Ruppert JLW. 2025. Complexity and spatial structuring of fish communities across urbanized watersheds and waterfronts. Urban Ecosystems 28:1-18


Day CC, Alò D, Simmons RK, Cotey SR, Zarn KE, Gazeley IF, Small M, Fortin M-J, Bearlin AR, Smith SR, Landguth EL. 2024. Disentangling effects of dispersal, environment, and anthropogenic barriers on functional connectivity in aquatic systems. Molecular Ecology 33:e17500

Rodriguez PS, Schwantes AM, Gonzalez A, Fortin M-J. 2024. Monitoring change in Enhanced Vegetation Index to inform the management of forests. Remote Sensing 16:2919

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Fortin M-J. 2024. Applying a method before its proof-of-concept: a cautionary tale using inferred food webs. Global Change Biology, 30:e17360

Schwantes A, Firkowski C, Affinito F, Rodriguez P, Fortin M-J, Gonzalez A. 2024. Monitoring ecosystem services with Essential Ecosystem Service Variables. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22(8):e2792

Schwantes A, Rauen Firkowski C, Rodriguez P, Gonzalez A, Fortin M-J. 2024. A comparison of approaches to quantify carbon for ecosystem service assessments through time. FACETS

Gelmi-Candusso TA, Rodriguez P, Fidino M, Rivera K, Lehrer, E, Magle S, Fortin M-J. 2024. Leveraging open-source geographic databases to enhance the representation of landscape heterogeneity in ecological models. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70402

Gelmi-Candusso T, Chin A, Thompson C, McLaren A, Wheeldon T, Patterson B, Fortin M-J. 2024. Dynamic connectivity assessment for a terrestrial predator in a metropolitan region. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22:e2633

Greiner A, Andrello M, Krkošek M, Fortin M-J. 2024. How the spread of young corals can help save coral reefs. Frontiers for Young Minds 12:1308034; doi: 10.3389/frym.2024.1308034

Lawson L, Edge C, Fortin M-J, Jackson D. Temporal change in urban fish biodiversity – gains, losses, and drivers of change. Ecology and Evolution 14:e10845


Livingstone S, Hughes J, Pither R, Fortin M-J. 2023. Integrative adaptive management to address interactions between biological invasions and protected area connectivity: a Canadian perspective. FACETS 8:1-12

Zdasiuk BJ, Fortin M-J, Colm JE, Drake DAR, Mandrak NE. 2023. Movement of an imperiled esocid fish in an agricultural drain. Movement Ecology 11 (1), 77

Strydom T, Bouskila S, Banville F, Barros C, Caron D, Farrell MJ, Fortin M-J, Mercier B, Pollock LJ, Runghen R, Dalla Riva GC, Poisot T. Graph embedding and transfer learning can help predict potential species interaction networks despite data limitations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14, 2917–2930

Harvey E, Marleau JN, Gounand I, Leroux SJ, Firkowski CR, Altermatt F, Blanchet FG, Cazelles K, Chu C, D’Aloia C, Donelle L, Gravel D, Guichard F, McCann K, Ruppert JLW, Ward C, Fortin M-J. 2023. A general meta-ecosystem model to predict ecosystem function at landscape extents. Ecography 11:e06790

Estay SA, Fortin MJ, López DN. 2023. Patterns and processes in ecological networks over space. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11:1246853

Gelmi-Candusso TA, Brimacombe C, Collinge Ménard G, Fortin M-J. 2023. Building urban predator-prey networks using camera traps. Food Webs 37:e00305
Media coverage –>  

Song C, Simmons B, Fortin M-J, Gonzalez A, Kaiser-Bunbury C, Saavedra S. 2023. Rapid monitoring for ecological persistence. PNAS 120 (20), e2211288120

Fletcher RJ Jr, Betts MG, Damschen EI, Hefley T, Hightower J, Smith TAH, Fortin M-J, Haddad NM. 2023. Addressing the problem of scale that emerges with habitat fragmentation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32, 828-841

Schröte B, Sattler C, Metzger JP, Rhodes JR, Fortin M-J,  Hohlenwerger C, Carrasco LR, Bodin Ö. 2023. Exploring the role of boundary work in a social-ecological synthesis initiative. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 13, 330-343

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Michalska-Smith M, Poisot T, Fortin M-J. 2023. Shortcomings of reusing species interaction networks created by different sets of researchers. PLoS Biology 21(4):e3002068

Bernos T, Chang S, Giglio R, Davenport K, Fisher J, Lowery E, Bearlin A, Simmons R, Fortin M-J, Day C, Landguth E. 2023. Evaluating the evolutionary mechanisms maintaining alternative mating strategies in a simulated Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus). Ecology and Evolution 13:e996

Carvajal-Quintero J, Comte L, Giam X, Olden J, Brose U, Eros T, Filipe AF, Fortin M-J, Irving K, Jacquet C, Larsen S, Ruhi A, Sharma S, Villalobos F, Tedesco P. 2023. Scale of population synchrony confirms macroecological estimates of minimum viable range size. Ecology Letters 26, 291-301


Song C, Fortin M-J, Gonzalez A. 2022. Metapopulation persistence can be inferred from incomplete surveys. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1989), 20222029

Strydom T, Bouskila S, Banville F, Barros C, Caron D, Dalla Riva GV, Farrell MJ, Fortin M-J, Hemming V, Mercier B, Pollock LJ, Runghen R, Poisot T. 2022. Food web reconstruction through phylogenetic transfer of low-rank network representation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:2838-2849

Greiner A, Fortin M-J, Darling E, Krkošek M. 2022. The combined effects of dispersal and herbivores on stable states in coral reefs. Theoretical Ecology 15:321-335

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Michalska-Smith M, Gravel D, Fortin M-J. 2022. No strong evidence that modularity, specialization, or nestedness are linked to seasonal climatic variability in bipartite networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31:2510-2523

Chin ATM, Ruppert JLW, Shrestha N, Fortin M-J. 2022. Urban avian conservation planning using species functional traits and habitat suitability mapping. Land 11:1831

Song C, Simmons BI, Fortin M-J, Gonzalez A. 2022. Generalism drives abundance: a computational causal discovery approach. PLoS Computational Biology 18(9): e1010302

Greiner A, Andrello M, Darling E, Krkošek M, M-J Fortin M-J. 2022. Limited spatial rescue potential for coral reefs lost to future global warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31:2245-2258

–> Media coverage:

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Fortin M-J. 2022. How network size strongly determines trophic specialization: a technical comment on Luna et al. (2022). Ecology Letters 26:1914-1916

Mina M, Messier C, Duveneck M, Fortin M-J, Aquilué N. Managing for the unexpected: building resilient forest landscapes to cope with global change. Global Change Biology 28:4323-4341

Deutsch E, M-J Fortin, JA Cardille. 2022. Assessing the current water clarity status of~ 100,000 lakes across southern Canada: A remote sensing approach. The Science of the Total Environment 826:153971

Bodner K, Brimacombe C, Fortin M-J, Molnar P. 2022. Why body size matters: how larger fish ontogeny shapes ecological network topology. Oikos 2022(3):e08569

Galiana N, Lurgi M, Bastazini V, Bosch J, Cagnolo L, Cazelles K, Claramunt B, Emer C, Fortin M-J, Grass I, Hernández-Castellano C, Jauker F, Leroux S, McCann K, McLeod A, Montoya D, Mulder C, Osorio-Canadas S, Reverté S, Rodrigo A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Traveset A, Valverde S, Vázquez D, Wood S, Gravel D, Roslin T, Thuiller W, Montoya JM. 2022. Ecological network complexity scales with area. Nature in Ecology and Evolution 6:307-314

Felipe-Lucia MR, Guerrero A, Alexander S, Ashander J, Baggio JA, Barnes M, Bodin Ö, Bonn A, Fortin M-J, Friedman R, Gephart J, Helmstedt KJ, Keyes A, Kroetz K, Massol F, Pocock M, Sayles J, Thompson R, Wood S, Dee LE. 2022. Conceptualizing ecosystem services as social-ecological networks. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37: 211-222

Firkowski CR, PL Thompson, A Gonzalez, MW Cadotte, M-J Fortin. 2022. Multi-trophic metacommunity interactions mediate asynchrony and stability in fluctuating environments. Ecological Monographs 92:e01484


Bodner K, Firkowski CR, Bennett J, Brookson C, Dietze M, Green S, Hughes J, Kerr J, Kunegel-Lion M, Leroux S, McIntire E, Molnár P, Simpkins C, Tekwa E, Watts A, Fortin M-J. 2021. Bridging the divide between ecological forecasts and environmental decision-making. Ecosphere 12 (12), e03869

McLeod A, Leroux SJ, Gravel D, Chu C, Cirtwill AR, Fortin M‐J, Galiana N, Poisot T, Wood SA. 2021. Sampling and asymptotic network properties of spatial multi‐trophic networks. Oikos 130, 2250-2259

Bertrand P, Bêty J, Yoccoz NG, Fortin MJ, Strøm H, Steen H, Kohler J, Harris SM, Patrick SC, Chastel O, Blévin P. 2021. Fine-scale spatial segregation in a pelagic seabird driven by differential use of tidewater glacier fronts. Scientific reports. 11: 22109

Matutini F, J Baudry, M-J Fortin, G Pain, J Pithon. 2021. Integrating landscape resistance and multi-scale predictor of habitat selection for amphibian distribution modelling at large scale. Landscape Ecology 36, 3557-3571

Hof AR, Montoro Girona M, Fortin M-J, Tremblay JA. 2021. Editorial: Using Landscape Simulation Models to Help Balance Conflicting Goals in Changing Forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 795736

Sturtevant BR, Fortin M-J. 2021. Understanding and modeling forest disturbance interactions at the landscape level. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 653647

Firkowski CR, Schwantes AM, Fortin M-J, Gonzalez A. 2021. Monitoring social–ecological networks for biodiversity and ecosystem services in human-dominated landscapes. FACETS 6:1670-1692

Zhu X, Munno K, Grbic J, Werbowski L, Bikker J, Ho A, Guo E, Sedlak M, Sutton R, Box C, Lin D, Gilbreath A, Holleman R, Fortin M-J, Rochman C. 2021. Holistic assessment of microplastics and other anthropogenic microdebris in an urban bay sheds light on their sources and fate. ACS ES&T Water 1, 6:1401–1410

Blackford C, Krkošek M, Fortin M-J. A data-limited modeling approach for conserving connectivity in Marine Protected Area Networks. Marine Biolog168:art86

Bani R, Marleau J, Fortin M-J, Daigle R, Guichard F. 2021. Dynamic larval dispersal can mediate the response of marine metapopulations to multiple climate change impacts. Oikos 130:989-1000

Xuereb A, D’Aloia C, Andrello M, Bernatchez L, Fortin M-J. 2021. Incorporating putatively neutral and adaptive genomic data into marine conservation planning. Conservation Biology 35:909-920

Fortin M-J, Dale MRT, Brimacombe C. 2021. Network ecology in dynamic landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1949):20201889

Metzger J-P, Fidelman P, Sattler C, Schröter B, Maron M, Eigenbrod F, Fortin M-J, Hohlenwerger C, Rhodes J. 2021. Connecting governance interventions to ecosystem services provision: a social-ecological network approach. People and Nature 3:266-280

Deutsch ES, JA Cardille, T Koll-Egyed, M-J Fortin. 2021. Landsat 8 lake water clarity empirical algorithms: Large-scale calibration and validation using government and citizen science data from across Canada. Remote Sensing 13:1257

Larsen S, Comte L, Filipe AF, Fortin M-J, Jacquet C, Ryser R, Tedesco P, Brose U, Eros T, Giam X, Irving K, Ruhi A, Sharma S, Olden J. 2021. The geography of metapopulation synchrony in dendritic river networks. Ecology Letters 24:791-801

Rayfield B, V Paul, F Tremblay, M-J Fortin, C Hely, Y Bergeron. 2021. Influence of habitat availability and fire disturbance on the northern range boundary of eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.). Journal of Biogeography 48:394-404

Brimacombe C, Bodner K, Fortin M-J. 2021. Inferred seasonal interaction rewiring of a freshwater stream fish network. Ecography 44:219-230

Mina M, C Messier, M Duveneck, M-J Fortin, N Aquilué. 2021. Network analysis can guide resilience-based management in forest landscapes under global change. Ecological Applications 31:e2221

Comte L, Carvajal J, Tedesco P, Giam X, Brose U, Eros T, Filipe A, Fortin M-J, Irving K, Jacquet C, Larsen S, Sharma S, Ruhi A, Becker F, Casatti L, Castaldelli G, Dala-Corte R, Davenport S, Franssen N, García-Berthou E, Gavioli A, Gido K, Jimenez-Segura L, Leitão R, McLarney B, Meador J, Milardi M, Moffatt D, Occhi T, Pompeu P, Propst D, Pyron M, Salvador G, Stefferud J, Sutela T, Taylor C, Terui A, Urabe H, Vehanen T, Vitule J, Zeni J, Olden J. 2021. RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time-series to study global change ecology in riverine systems. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:38-50


Andrews S, Fortin M-J, Leroux SJ. 2020. Modelling the spatial-temporal distributions and associated determining factors of a keystone pelagic fish. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77:2776-2789

Morán-Ordóñez A, A Gil-Tena, M de Cáceres, A Duane, CA Guerra, I Geijzendorffer, M-J Fortin, L Brotons. 2021. Future impact of climate extremes in the Mediterranean: soil erosion projections when fire and extreme rainfall meet. Land Degradation & Development 31: 3040-3054

Kelly LT, Giljohann KM, Duane A, Aquilué N, Archibald S, Batllori E, Bennett AF, Buckland ST, Canelles Q, Clarke MF, Fortin M-J, Hermoso V, Herrando S, Keane RE, Lake FK, McCarthy MA, Morán-Ordóñez A, Parr CL, Pausas JG, Penman TD, Regos A, Rumpff L, Santos JL, Smith AL, Syphard AD, Tingley MW, Brotons L. 2020. Fire and biodiversity in the Anthropocene. Science 370 (6519):eabb0355

Laubmeier A, Cazelles B, Cuddington K, Erickson KD, Fortin M-J, Ogle K, Wikle CK, Zhu K, Zipkin E. 2020. Ecological dynamics: integrating empirical, statistical, and analytical methods. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35:1090-1099

Vernouillet A, Fortin M-J, Fiola M-L, Villard M-A. 2020. Do female songbirds avoid a mammalian nest predator when selecting their nest site? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:407

Morin S, Bowman J, Marrotte R, Fortin M-J. 2020. Fine-scale habitat selection by sympatric Canada lynx and bobcat. Ecology and Evolution 10:9396-9409

Robert L-E, Sturtevant B, Kneeshaw D, James P, Fortin M-J, Wolter P, Townsend P, Cooke B. 2020. Forest landscape structure governs the cyclic-eruptive spatial dynamics of forest tent caterpillar outbreaks. Ecosphere  11(8)e03096

Jin LS, D Yin, M-J Fortin, M Cadotte. 2020. The mechanisms generating community phylogenetic patterns change with spatial scale. Oecologia 193:655-664

Erős T, L Comte, AF Filipe, A Ruhi, PA Tedesco, U Brose, M-J Fortin, X Giam, K Irving, C Jacquet, S Larsen, S Sharma, JD Olden. 2020. Effects of nonnative species on the stability of riverine fish communities. Ecography 43:1156-1166

Brice M-H, S Vissault, W Vieira, D Gravel, P Legendre, M-J Fortin. 2020. Moderate disturbances accelerate forest transition dynamics under climate change in the temperate-boreal ecotone of eastern North America. Global Change Biology 26:4418-4435

Bodner K, M-J Fortin, P Molnár. 2020. Making predictive modelling ART: Accurate, Reliable and Transparent. Ecosphere 11(6):e03160

Edge C, M-J Fortin. 2020. Habitat network topology influences the importance of ecological traps in metapopulations. Ecosphere 11(5):e03146

Aquilué N, É Filotas, D Craven, M-J Fortin, L Brotons, C Messier. 2020. Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties. Ecological Applications 30(5):e02095

Andrello M, De Villemereuil P, Carboni M, Busson D, Fortin M-J, Gaggiotti O, Till-Bottraud I. 2020. Accounting for stochasticity in demographic compensation along the elevational range of an alpine plant. Ecology Letters 23:870-880

Huang J-L, M Andrello, A Camargo Martensen, S Saura, D-F Liu, J-H He, M-J Fortin. 2020. Importance of spatio-temporal connectivity to maintain species experiencing range shifts. Ecography 43:591-603

Aquilué N, Fortin M-J, Messier C, Brotons L. 2020. The potential of agricultural conversion to shape forest fire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes. Ecosystems 23:34-51

Terrail R, Morin-Rivat J, de Lafontaine G, Fortin M-J, Arseneault D. 2020. Effects of 20th-century settlement fires on landscape structure and forest composition in Eastern Québec, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science 31:42-50

Bargelt L, M-J Fortin, D Murray. 2020. Assessing connectivity and the contribution of private lands to protected area networks in the United States. PLoS ONE 15(3):e0228946


Billerman SM, BR Jesmer, AG Watts, PE Schlichting, M-J Fortin, WC Funk, P Hapeman, E Muths, MA Murphy. 2019. Testing theoretical metapopulation conditions with genotypic data from Boreal Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris maculata). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97:1042-1053.

Frishkoff LO, DL Mahler, M-J Fortin. 2019. Integrating over uncertainty in spatial scale of response within multispecies occupancy models yields more accurate assessments of community composition. Ecography, 42:2132-2143.

Brice M-H, K Cazelles, P Legendre, M-J Fortin. 2019. Disturbances amplify tree community responses to climate change in the temperate-boreal ecotone. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28:1668-1681.

Darling ES, TR McClanahan, J Maina, G Gurney, NAJ Graham, F Januchowski-Hartley, JE Cinner, C Mora, CC Hicks, E Maire, M Puotinen, WJ Skirving,, M Adjeroud, G Ahmadia, R Arthur, AG Bauman, M Beger, M Berumen, L Bigot, J Bouwmeester, A Brenier, T Bridge, E Brown, SJ Campbell, S Cannon, B Cauvin, C Allen Chen, J Claudet, V Denis, S Donner, E Estradivari, N Fadli, DA Feary, D Fenner, H Fox, EC Franklin, A Friedlander, J Gilmour, C Goiran, J Guest, J-PA Hobbs, AS Hoey, P Houk, S Johnson, S Jupiter, M Kayal,, C-Y Kuo, J Lamb, MAC Lee, J Low, N Muthiga, E Muttaqin, Y Nand, KL Nash, O Nedlic, JM Pandolfi, S Pardede, L Penin, L Ribas-Deulofeu, Z Richards, TE Roberts, KS Rodgers, CD Mohd Safuan, E Sala, G Shedrawi, TM Sin, P Smallhorn-West, JE Smith, B Sommer, PD Steinberg, M Sutthacheep, CHJ Tan, GJ Williams, S Wilson, T Yeemin, JF Bruno, M-J Fortin, M Krkosek, D Mouillot. 2019. Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3:1341-1350

de Aguiar MA, Newman EA, Pires MM, Yeakel JD, Boetttiger C, Burkle L, Gravel D, Guimaraes Jr PR, O’Donnell J, Poisot T, Fortin M-J, Hembry DH. 2019. Revealing biases in the sampling of ecological interaction networks. PeerJ, 7:e7566

Huot, Y., Brown, C.A., Potvin, G., Antoniades, D., Baulch, H.M., Beisner, B.E., Bélanger, S., Brazeau, S., Cabana, H., Cardille, J.A. and del Giorgio, P.A., 2019. The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment, 695:133668

Albouy C, P Archambault, W Appeltans, M Araújo, D Beauchesne, K Cazelles, A Cirtwill, M-J Fortin, N Galiana, S Leroux, L Pellissier, T Poisot, D Stouffer, S Wood, D Gravel. 2019. The marine fish food web is globally connected. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3:1153-1161

Martínez‐Minaya J, Conesa D, Fortin M-J, Alonso‐Blanco C, Picó FX, Marcer A. 2019. A hierarchical Bayesian Beta regression approach to study the effects of geographic genetic structure and spatial autocorrelation on species distribution range shifts. Molecular Ecology Resources, 19:929-943.

Peterson E, Hanks E, Hooten M, Ver Hoef J, Fortin M-J. 2019. Spatially-structured statistical network models for landscape genetics. Ecological Monographs, 89 (2), e01355.

De Cáceres M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen R, Wiser S, Fortin M-J, Condit R, Hubbell S. 2019. Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs, 89 (2), e01350.

Nathan LR, N Mamoozadeh, HR Tumas, S Gunselman, K Klass, A Metcalfe, C Edge, L Waits, P Spruell, E Lowery, E Connor, A Bearlin, M-J Fortin, E Landguth. 2019. A spatially-explicit, individual-based demogenetic simulation framework for evaluating hybridization dynamics. Ecological Modelling, 401:40-51.

Lesneski KC, D’Aloia CC, Fortin M-J, Buston PM. 2019. Disentangling the spatial distributions of a sponge-dwelling fish and its host sponge. Marine Biology, 166(5): 66.

Messier C, J Bauhus, F Doyon, F Maure, R Sousa-Silva, P Nolet, M Mina, N Aquilué, M-J Fortin, K Puettmann. 2019. The functional complex network approach to foster forest resilience to global change. Forest Ecosystems, 6:21.

Šímová P, V Moudrý, J Komárek, K Hrach, M-J Fortin. 2019. Fine scale waterbody data improve prediction of waterbird occurrence despite coarse species data. Ecography, 42, 511-520.

Bani R, M-J Fortin, RM Daigle, F Guichard. 2019. Dispersal traits interact with dynamic connectivity to affect metapopulation growth and stability. Theoretical Ecology, 12:111–127.

Rivkin LR, Santangelo J, Alberti M, Aronson M, de Keyzer C, Diamond S, Fortin M-J, Frazee L, Gorton A, Hendry A, Liu Y, Losos J, MacIvor S, Martin R, McDonnell M, Miles L, Munshi-South J, Ness R, Newman A, Stothart M, Theodorou P, Thompson K, Verrelli B, Whitehead A, Winchell K, Johnson M. 2019. A roadmap for urban evolutionary ecology. Evolutionary Applications, 12:384-398.

D’Aloia D, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, C Blackford, C Chu, J Curtis, E Darling, F Guichard, SJ Leroux, AC Martensen, B Rayfield, J Sunday, A Xuereb, M-J Fortin. 2019. Coupled networks of permanent protected areas and dynamic conservation areas for biodiversity conservation under climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:27.

Bastin, L., Gorelick, N., Saura, S., Bertzky, B., Dubois, G., Fortin, M.J. and Pekel, J.F., 2019. Inland surface waters in protected areas globally: Current coverage and 30-year trends. PloS one14(1), p.e0210496.

Delmas E, M Besson, M-H Brice, L Burkle; G Dalla Riv, M-J Fortin, D Gravel, P Guimaraes, D Hembry, E Newman, J Olesen, M Pires, J Yeakel, T Poisot. 2019. Analyzing ecological networks of species interactions. Biological Reviews, 94:16-36.


D’Aloia C, Xuereb A, Fortin M-J, Bogdanowicz S, Buston P. 2018. Limited dispersal explains the spatial distribution of siblings in a reef fish population. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 607:143-154.

Xuereb A, CM Kimber, JMR Curtis, L Bernatchez, M-J Fortin. 2018. Putatively adaptive genetic variation in the giant California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus) as revealed by environmental association analysis of RADseq data. Molecular Ecology, 27:5035-5048.

Watts A, Santiago S, Jardine C, Leighton P, Werden L, Fortin M-J. 2018. Host functional connectivity and the invasion potential of Lyme disease. Landscape Ecology, 33:1925-1938.

Bauman D, M-J Fortin, T Drouet, S Dray. 2018. Optimizing the choice of a spatial weighting matrix in eigenvector-based methods. Ecology, 99: 2159-2166.

Dalongeville A, M Andrello, D Mouillot, S Lobreaux, M-J Fortin, F Lasram, J Belmaker, D Rocklin, S Manel. 2018. Geographic isolation and larval dispersal shape seascape genetic patterns differently according to spatial scale. Evolutionary Applications,11:1437-144.

Chin ATM, J Linke, M Boudreau, M-H Thériault, SC Courtenay, R Cormier, M-J Fortin. 2018. Beta diversity changes in estuarine fish communities due to environmental change. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 603: 161-173.

Robert L-E, Sturtevant BR, Cooke BJ, James PMA, Fortin M-J, Townsend PA, Wolter PT, Kneeshaw D. 2018. Landscape host abundance and configuration regulate periodic outbreak behavior in spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.). Ecography, 41:1556-1571.

Draheim HM, JA Moore, M-J Fortin, KT Scribner. 2018. Beyond the snapshot: Landscape genetic analysis of time series data reveal responses of American black bears to landscape change. Evolutionary Applications,11:1219-1230.

Xuereb A, L Benestan, E Normandeau, JM Curtis, RM Daigle, L Bernatchez, M-J Fortin. 2018. Asymmetric oceanographic processes mediate connectivity and population genetic structure, as revealed by RADseq, in a highly dispersive marine invertebrate (Parastichopus californicus). Molecular Ecology, 27: 2347-2364.

Gaggiotti O, Chao A, Peres-Neto P, Chiu Chun-Huo, Edwards C, Fortin M-J, Jost L, Richards C, Selkoe K. 2018. Diversity from genes to ecosystems: A unifying framework to study variation across biological metrics and scales. Evolutionary Applications, 11: 1176-1193.

Galiana N, M Lurgi, B Claramunt, M-J Fortin, S Leroux, K Cazelles, D Gravel, J Montoya. 2018. The spatial scaling of species interaction networks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 782-790.

Daniel CJ, BM Sleeter, L Frid, M-J Fortin. 2018. Integrating continuous stocks and flows into state-and-transition simulation models of landscape change. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 1133-1143.

Ver Hoef J, E Peterson, M Hooten, E Hanks, M-J Fortin. 2018. Spatial autoregressive models for statistical inference from ecological data. Ecological Monographs, 88:36-59.

Ruppert JLW, L Vigliola, M Kulbicki, P Labrosse, M-J Fortin, MG Meekan. 2018.  Human activities as a principal driver of spatial variation in the trophic structure of fish communities on Pacific coral reefs. Global Change Biology, 24: e67-e76.

Watt GA, RA Fleming, SM Smith, M-J Fortin. 2018. Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) Defoliation Promotes Vertical Fuel Continuity in Ontario’s Boreal Mixedwood Forest. Forests, 9(5), 256;

Marcer A, D Vidigal, P James, M-J Fortin, B Mendez-Vigo, HWM Hilhorst, L Bentsink, C Alonso-Blanco, X Picó. 2018. Temperature fine-tunes Mediterranean Arabidopsis thaliana life-cycle phenology geographically. Plant Biology, 20: 148-156.


D’Aloia C, RM Daigle, I Côté, J Curtis, F Guichard, M-J Fortin. 2017. A multiple-species framework for integrating movement processes across life stages into the design of marine protected areas. Biological Conservation, 216: 93-100.

Martensen, AC, S Saura, M-J Fortin. 2017. Spatio-temporal connectivity: Assessing the amount of reachable habitat in dynamic landscapes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1253-1264.

Dosen J, M-J Fortin, BE Raboy. 2017. Restoration strategies to improve connectivity for Lion Tamarins in the Bahian Atlantic Forest. International Journal of Primatology, 38: 962-983.

Daniel CJ, MT Ter-Mikaelian, BM Wotton, B Rayfield, M-J Fortin. 2017. Incorporating uncertainty into forest management planning: Timber harvest, wildfire and climate change in the boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 400:542-554.

Poisot T, C Guéveneux‐Julien, M-J Fortin, D Gravel, P Legendre. 2017. Hosts, parasites and their interactions respond to different climatic variables. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26:942-951.

Pedersen EJ, PL Thompson, AR Ball, M-J Fortin, TC Gouhier, H Link, C Moritz, H Nenzen, RRE Stanley, ZE Taranu, A Gonzalez, F Guichard, P Pepin. 2017. Signatures of the collapse and incipient recovery of an overexploited marine ecosystem. Royal Society Open Science, 4 (7): 170215.
—> Media coverage:

Franckowiak RP, M Panasci, K Jarvis, I Acuña-Rodriguez, EL Landguth, M-J Fortin, HH Wagner. 2017. Model selection with multiple regression on distance matrices leads to incorrect inferences. PLoS ONE, 12(4): e0175194.

Eger AM. JMR Curtis, M-J Fortin, IM Côté, F Guichard. 2017. Transferability and scalability of species distribution models: A test with sedentary marine invertebrates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences., 74: 766-788.

Edge CB, M-J Fortin, N Shrestha, D Lawrie, D Jackson. 2017. Habitat alteration and habitat fragmentation differentially affect beta diversity of stream fish communities. Landscape Ecology, 32: 647-662.

Mui AB, B Caverhill, B Johnson, M-J Fortin, Y He. 2017. Using multiple metrics to estimate seasonal landscape connectivity for Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in a fragmented landscape. Landscape Ecology, 32: 531-545.

Odriozola I, G García-Baquero, M-J Fortin, N Amaia Laskurain, A Aldezabal. 2017. Grazing exclusion unleashes competitive plant responses in Atlantic mountain grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science. 20: 50-61.

Aquilué N, M De Cáceres, M-J Fortin, A Fall, L Brotons. 2017. A spatial allocation procedure to model landuse/land-cover changes: accounting for occurrence and spread processes. Ecological Modelling, 344:73-86.

Linke J, M-J Fortin, S Courtenay, R Cormier. 2017. High-resolution global maps of 21st-century annual forest loss: independent accuracy assessment and application in a temperate forest region of Atlantic Canada. Remote Sensing of Environment, 188: 164-176.
—> Media coverage:

Ciudad C, A Gastón, MC Mateo-Sánchez, JI García-Viñas, C López-Leiva, A Fernández-Landa, M Marchamalo, J Cuevas, B de la Fuente, M-J Fortín, S Saura. 2017. Species’ habitat use inferred from environmental variables at multiple scales: how much we gain from high-resolution vegetation data? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 55: 1-8.


Borges Matos C, S Aragón, M Nazareth Ferreira da Silva, M-J Fortin, WE Magnusson. 2016. Importance of the matrix in determining small-mammal assemblages in an Amazonian forest-savanna mosaic. Biological Conservation, 204: 415-427.

Edge C, J Houlahan, DA Jackson. M-J Fortin. 2016. The response of amphibian larvae to environmental change is both consistent and variable. Oikos, 125: 1700-1710.
—> Media coverage:
Oikos Editor’s Choice and Meta-Analyses

Daniel C, L Frid, B Sleeter, M-J Fortin. 2016. State-and-transition simulation models:  A framework for forecasting landscape dynamics. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 7: 1413-1423.
—> Media coverage:
Methods in Ecology & Evolution video:

Ruppert JLW, M-J Fortin, MG Meekan. 2016 The ecological role of sharks on coral reefs – Response to Roff et al. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31: 586–587.

Mateo Sánchez MC, Gastón A, Ciudad C, García-Viñas JI; Cuevas J, López-Leiva C, Fernández-Landa A, Algeet-Abarquero N, Marchamalo M, M-J Fortin, Saura S. 2016. Seasonal and temporal changes in species use of the landscape: How do they impact the inferences from multi-scale habitat modeling? Landscape Ecology, 31: 1261-1276.

Ruppert JLW, M-J Fortin, EA Gunn, DL Martell. Conserving woodland caribou habitat while maintaining timber yield: A graph theory approach. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46: 914-923.

Naujokaitis-Lewis I, Fortin M-J. 2016. Spatio-temporal variation of biotic factors underpins contemporary range dynamics of congeneric species. Global Change Biology, 22:1201-1213.

Poisot T, Gravel D, Leroux S, Wood SA, Fortin M-J, Baiser B, Cirtwill AR, Araujo MB, Stouffer DB. 2016. Synthetic datasets and community tools for the rapid testing of ecological hypotheses. Ecography, 39: 402-408.

Poisot T, Cirtwill, A, Cazelles K, Gravel D, Fortin M-J, Stouffer D. 2016. The structure of probabilistic networks. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 7: 303-312.

Talluto MV, Boulangeat I, Ameztegui A, Aubin I, Berteaux D, Butler A, Doyon F, Drever CR, Fortin, M-J, Franceschini T, Liénard J, Dan McKenney D, Solarik KA, Strigul N, Thuiller W, Gravel D. 2016. Cross-scale integration of knowledge for predicting species ranges: a metamodeling framework. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25: 238-249.


Watts AG, VM Lukasik, M-J Fortin, SM Alexander. 2015. Urbanization, grassland, and diet influence coyote (Canis latrans) parasitism structure. EcoHealth, 12: 645-659.

Legendre P, M-J Fortin, D Borcard. 2015. Should the Mantel test be used in spatial analysis? Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 6: 1239-1247.

Watts AG, P Schlichting, S Billerman, B Jesmer, S Micheletti, M-J Fortin, WC Funk, P Hapeman, E Muths, MA Murphy. 2015. How spatio-temporal habitat connectivity affects amphibian genetic structure. Frontiers in Genetics, 6:Article 275.

Jin LS, MW Cadotte, M-J Fortin. 2015. Phylogenetic turnover patterns consistent with niche conservatism in montane plant species. Journal of Ecology, 103: 742-749.

James P, Cooke B, Brunet B, Lumley L, Sperling F, Fortin M-J, Quinn V, Sturtevant B. 2015. Life-stage differences in spatial genetic structure in an irruptive forest insect: Implications for dispersal and spatial synchrony. Molecular Ecology, 24: 296-309.

Hall AM, SJ McCauley, M-J Fortin. 2015. Recreational boating, landscape configuration, and habitat structure as drivers of odonate community composition in an island setting. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 8: 31-42.


Hornseth ML, AA Walpole, LR Walton, J Bowman, JC Ray, M-J Fortin, DL Murray. 2014. Habitat loss, not fragmentation, drives occurrence patterns of Canada lynx at the southern range periphery. PLoS ONE 9(11): e113511.

Emidio da Silva K, S Venâncio Martins, M-J Fortin, MC Ribeiro, CP de Azevedo, CA Álvares Soares Ribeiro. 2014. Tree species community spatial structure in a terra firme Amazon forest, Brazil. Bosque 35: 347-355.

Norris D, M-J Fortin, WE Magnusson. 2014. Towards monitoring biodiversity in amazonian forests: how regular samples capture meso-scale altitudinal variation in 25 km2 plots. PLoS ONE 9(8): e106150.

Isaak DJ, Peterson EE, Ver Hoef JM, Wenger SJ, Falke JA, Torgersen CE, Sowder C, Steel EA, Fortin M-J, Jordan CE, Ruesch AS, Som N, Monestiez P. 2014. Applications of spatial statistical network models to stream data. WIREs – Water, 1:277-294.

Terrail R, Arseneault D, Fortin M-J, Dupuis S, Boucher Y. 2014. An early forest inventory indicates a high accuracy of forest composition data in presettlement land surveys records. Journal of Vegetation Science, 25: 691-702.

Anstett DN, O’Brien H, Larsen EW, Mcmullin TR, Fortin M-J. 2014. Dispersal analysis of three Peltigera species based on landscape genetics data. Mycology, 4: 187-195.

Hughes JS, M-J Fortin, V Nealis, J Régnière. 2014. Pollen cone production in jack pine: Spatial and temporal patterns subject to natural disturbance by the jack pine budworm. Can. J. For. Res. 44: 195-211.

Saura S, Ö Bodin, M-J Fortin. 2014. Stepping stones are crucial for species’ long-distance dispersal and range expansion through habitat networks. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51: 171-182.
—> Media coverage:
* Conservation Corridor: (
* Journal of Applied Ecology Editor’s Choice:

Sturtevant BR, BR Miranda, PT Wolter, PMA James, M-J Fortin, PA Townsend. 2014. Forest recovery patterns in response to divergent disturbance regimes in the Border Lakes region of Minnesota (USA) and Ontario (Canada). Forest Ecology and Management, 313: 199-211.


Remmel TK, M-J Fortin. 2013. Categorical, class-focused map patterns: Characterization and comparison. Landscape Ecology, 28: 1587-1599.

Ruppert JLW, MJ Travers, JP Gilmour, LL Smith, M-J Fortin, MG Meekan. 2013. Caught in the middle: combined impacts of shark removal and coral loss on the fish communities of coral reefs. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e74648. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074648.
—> Media coverage:
* University of Toronto:
* The Australian (Newspaper):
* The Guardian:
The Conversation Op-Ed:
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio:
CBC Quirks and Quarks:
CBC Radio Canada International:
The Economist:
* NPR Academic Minute:

De Cáceres M, Brotons L, Aquilué N, Fortin M-J. 2013. The combined effects of land use legacies and novel fire regimes on bird distributions in the Mediterranean. Journal of Biogeography, 40: 1535-1547.

Linke J, GJ McDermid, M-J Fortin, GB Stenhouse. 2013. Relationships between grizzly bears and human disturbances in a rapidly changing multi-use forest landscape. Biological Conservation, 166: 54-63.

Beyer H, Morales J, Murray D, Fortin M-J. 2013. The effectiveness of Bayesian state-space models for estimating behavioural states from movement paths. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 433-441.

Naujokaitis-Lewis IR, JMR Curtis, L Tischendorf, D Badzinski, K Lyndsay, M-J Fortin. 2013. Uncertainties in coupled species distribution–metapopulation dynamics models for risk assessments under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 19: 541-554.

Brotons L, Aquilué N, de Cáceres M, Fortin M-J, Fall A. 2013. How Fire History, Fire Suppression Practices and Climate Change Affect Wildfire Regimes in Mediterranean Landscapes. PLoS ONE 8(5): e62392.

Peterson EE, JM Ver Hoef, DJ Isaak, JA Falke, M-J Fortin, C Jordan, K McNyset, P Monestiez, AS Ruesch, A Sengupta, N Som, A Steel, DM Theobald, CE Torgersen, SJ Wenger. 2013. Modeling dendritic ecological networks in space: An integrated network perspective. Ecology Letters, 16: 707-719.

Wagner HH, M-J Fortin. 2013. A conceptual framework for the spatial analysis of landscape genetic data. Conservation Genetics, 14: 253-261.

Naujokaitis-Lewis I, Y Rico, J Lovell, M-J Fortin, M Murphy. 2013. Implications of incomplete networks on estimation of landscape genetic connectivity. Conservation Genetics, 14: 287-298.

Beyer HL, Ung R, Murray DL, M-J Fortin. 2013. Functional responses, seasonal variation and thresholds in behavioural responses of moose to road density. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50: 286-294.

Cuddington K, Fortin M-J, Gerber L, Leibhold A, O’Connor M, Hastings A, Ray C. 2013. Process-based models are required to manage ecological systems in a changing world. Ecosphere 4(2) Art20: 1-12.

Gil-Tena A. L Brotons, M-J Fortin, F Burel, S Saura. 2013. Assessing the role of landscape connectivity in recent woodpecker range expansion in Mediterranean Europe: forest management implications. European Journal of Forest Research, 132: 181-194.


Windle MJS, GA Rose, R Devillers, M-J Fortin. 2012. Spatio-temporal variations in invertebrate−cod−environment relationships on the Newfoundland–Labrador Shelf, 1995−2009. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 469: 263–278.

Polakowska AE, M-J Fortin, A Couturier. 2012. Quantifying the spatial relationship between bird species’ distributions and landscape feature boundaries in southern Ontario, Canada. Landscape Ecology, 27: 1481-1493.

Melles S, M-J Fortin, D Badzinski, K Lindsay. 2012. Relative Importance of Nesting Habitat and Measures of Connectivity in Predicting the Occurrence of a Forest Songbird in Fragmented Landscapes. Avian Conservation and Ecology 7 (2): 3. [online] URL:

Weaver JE, TM Conway, M-J Fortin. 2012. An invasive species’ relationship with environmental variables changes across multiple spatial scales. Landscape Ecology, 27: 1351-1362.

Dray S, R Pélissier, P Couteron, M-J Fortin, P Legendre, PR Peres-Neto, E Bellier, R. Bivand, FG Blanchet, M De Cáceres, A-B Dufour, E Heegaard, T Jombart, F Munoz, J Oksanen, J Thioulouse, HH Wagner. 2012. Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis. Ecological Monographs. 82: 257-275.

Vepakomma U, D Kneeshaw, M-J Fortin. 2012. Spatial contiguity and continuity of disturbance in boreal forests: Gap persistence, expansion, shrinkage and displacement. Journal of Ecology, 100: 1257-1268.

Fortin M-J, PMA James, A MacKenzie, SJ Melles, B Rayfield. 2012. Spatial statistics, spatial regression, and graph theory in ecology. Spatial Statistics, 1: 100-109.

Brotons L, M De Cáceres, A Fall, M-J Fortin. 2012. Incorporating species dispersal and landscape dynamics to the modeling of bird species distribution changes in fire prone Mediterranean landscapes. Ecography, 35:458-467.

Murray DL, Hussey K, Finnegan L, Lowe SJ, Price GJ, Benson J, Loveless K, Middel K, Mills K, Potter D, Silver A, Fortin M-J, Patterson BR, Wilson PJ. 2012. Assessment of the status and viability of a moose population at its southern range limit in Ontario. Can. J. Zoology, 90:422-434.

Broennimann O, MC Fitzpatrick, P Pearman, B Petitpierre, L Pellissier, NG Yoccoz, W Thuiller, M-J Fortin, C Randin, N Zimmermann, C Graham, A Guisan. 2012. Measuring ecological niche overlap from occurrence and spatial environmental data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 481-497.

Finnegan LA, PJ Wilson, GN Price, SJ Lowe, BR Patterson, M-J Fortin, DL Murray. 2012. The complimentary role of genetic and ecological data in understanding population structure: a case study using moose (Alces alces). Eur J Wildl Res. 58: 415-423.

Landguth EL, BC Fedy, SJ Oyler-McCance, AL Garey, SL Emel, M Mumma, HH Wagner, M-J Fortin, SA Cushman. 2012. Effects of sample size, number of markers, and allelic richness on the detection of spatial genetic pattern. Molecular Ecology Resources, 12: 276-284.

Luque S, S Saura, M-J Fortin. 2012. Landscape connectivity analysis for conservation: insights from combining new methods with ecological and genetic data. Landscape Ecology, 27: 153-157.

Graves TA, TN Wasserman, M Ribeiro, EL Landguth, SF Spear, N Balkenhol, CB Higgins, M-J Fortin, SA Cushman, LP Waits. 2012. The influence of landscape characteristics and home-range size on the quantification of landscape-genetics relationships. Landscape Ecology, 27: 253-266.

Erős T, JD Olden, RS Schick, D Schmera, M-J Fortin. 2012. Characterizing connectivity relationships in freshwaters using patch-based graphs. Landscape Ecology, 27:303-317.


McCauley SJ, L Rowe, M-J Fortin. 2011. The deadly effects of ‘non-lethal’ predators. Ecology, 92: 2043-2048.
—> Media coverage:
* Faculty 1000: MUST READ, 20 Dec 2011, Ecology
* Nature Highlight:
* University of Toronto:
* Toronto Sun:
* Naturaleza magazine:
* Gawker:
* Science Daily:
* Discovery Channel Canada:
* CBC News:
* AAAS Radio:
* CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks:

James PMA, BR Sturtevant, P Townsend, P Wolter, M-J Fortin. 2011. Two-dimensional wavelet analysis of spruce budworm host basal area in the Border Lakes landscape. Ecological Applications 21:2197–2209.

Strecker AL, JM Casselman, M-J Fortin, DA Jackson, MS Ridgway, PA Abrams, BJ Shuter. 2011. A multi-scale comparison of trait linkages to environmental and spatial variables in fish communities across a large freshwater lake. Oecologia 166: 819-831.

Rayfield B, M-J Fortin, A Fall. 2011. Connectivity for conservation: A framework to classify network measures. Ecology, 92: 847-858.

James PMA, M-J Fortin, B Sturtevant, A Fall, D Kneeshaw. 2011. Modelling spatial interactions among fire, spruce budworm, and logging in the boreal forest. Ecosystems, 14: 60-75.

Safner T, Miller MP, McRae BH, Fortin M-J, S Manel. 2011. Comparison of Bayesian clustering and edge detection methods for inferring boundaries in landscape genetics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12: 865-889.

Melles SJ, M-J Fortin, K Lindsay, D Badzinski. 2011. Expanding northward: Influence of climate change, forest connectivity, and population processes on a threatened species’ range shift. Global Change Biology, 17, 17-31.


Dale MRT, M-J Fortin. 2010. From graphs to spatial graphs. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 41, 21-38.

Epperson BK, B McRae, K Scribner, S Cushman, MS Rosenberg, M-J Fortin, PMA James, M Murphy, S Manel, P Legendre, MRT Dale. 2010. Utility of computer simulations in landscape genetics. Molecular Ecology, 19: 3549-3564. 

Anderson CD, BK Epperson, M-J Fortin, R Holderegger, PMA James, MS Rosenberg, KT Scribner, S Spear. 2010. Considering spatial and temporal scale in landscape-genetic studies of gene flow. Molecular Ecology, 19: 3565-3575.

Spear S, N Balkenhol, M-J Fortin, B McRae, K Scribner. 2010. Use of resistance surfaces for landscape genetic studies: Considerations for parameterization and analysis. Molecular Ecology, 19: 3576-3591.

Manel S, S Joost, BK Epperson, R Holderegger, A Storfer, MS Rosenberg, K Scribner, A Bonin, M-J Fortin. 2010. Perspectives on the use of landscape genetics to detect genetic adaptive variation in the field. Molecular Ecology, 19: 3760-3772.

Legendre P, M-J Fortin. 2010. Comparison of the Mantel test and alternative approaches for detecting complex multivariate relationships in the spatial analysis of genetic data. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10: 831-844.

Segelbacher G, Cushman SA, Epperson BK, Fortin M-J, François O, Hardy OJ, Holderegger R, Taberlet P, Waits LP, Manel S. 2010. Applications of Landscape Genetics in Conservation Biology: Concepts and Challenges. Conservation Genetics, 11: 375-385.

Grillet M-E GJ Jordan, M-J Fortin. 2010. State transition detection in the spatio-temporal incidence of malaria. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology Journal,1: 251-259.

Rayfield B, A Fall, M-J Fortin. 2010. The sensitivity of least-cost habitat graphs to relative cost surface values. Landscape Ecology, 25: 519-532.

James PMA, RA Fleming, M-J Fortin. 2010. Identifying significant scale-specific spatial boundaries using wavelets and null models: spruce budworm defoliation in Ontario, Canada as a case study. Landscape Ecology, 25:873–887.

Ruppert JLW, M-J Fortin, GA Rose, R Devillers. 2010. Environmental mediation of Atlantic cod on fish community composition: an application of multivariate regression tree analysis to exploited marine ecosystems. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 411:189-201.

Windle MJS, GA Rose, R Devillers, M-J Fortin. 2010. Exploring spatial non-stationarity of fisheries survey data using geographically weighted regression (GWR): an example from the Northwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 145-154.

Hély C, M-J Fortin, K Anderson, Y Bergeron. 2010. Landscape composition influences local pattern of fire size in the eastern Canadian boreal forest: role of weather and landscape mosaic on fire size distribution in mixedwood boreal forest using the Prescribed Fire Analysis System. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 19: 1099-1109.

Papaik M-J, A Fall, B Sturtevant, D Kneeshaw, C Messier, M-J Fortin, N Simon. 2010. Forest processes from stands to landscapes: Exploring model forecast uncertainties using cross-scale model comparison. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40: 2345-2359.

Côté P, R Tittler, C Messier, DD Kneeshaw, A Fall, M-J Fortin. 2010. Comparing different forest zoning options for landscape-scale management of the boreal forest: possible benefits of the TRIAD. Forest Ecology and Management, 259: 418-427.

Remmel TK, M-J Fortin. 2010. Research in the spatial sciences: How are Canadian geographers contributing? The Canadian Geographer, 54: 4-14.

Grillet M-E, R Barrera, J-E Martínez, J Berti, M-J Fortin. 2010. Disentangling the effect of local and global spatial variation on a mosquito-borne infection in a neotropical heterogeneous environment. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 82: 194-201.

[2000 – 2009]

[1989 – 1999]