Song, Chuliang. 2020-2022. Spatial and environmental framework for ecological networks. [Postdoctoral fellow. Princeton University]
Baines, Celina. 2020-2021. Animal dispersal and habitat connectivity. [Assistant Professor, UofT]
Livingstone, Stuart. 2019-2021. Invasive species and protected areas. [Assistant Teaching Professor at UTSC]
Franckowiak, Ryan. 2017-2020. Landscape genomics of Arctic Seabirds. V. Friesen-Queens University + Department of EEB, University of Toronto
Chin, Andrew. 2018-2020. Natural heritage system evaluation 10 years after. TRCA + Department of EEB, University of Toronto [TRCA Research Assistant]
Schwantes, Amanda. 2019-2020. Monitoring ecosystem services. Department of EEB, University of Toronto
Andrello, Marco. 2018. Landscape genomics. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Researcher CNR – IAS. Rome, Italy]
D’Aloia, Cassidy. 2018. Protected areas across ecosystems and landscape genomics. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Assistant Professor, UTM. website]
Darling, Emily. 2016-2018. Coral reefs analysis. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. (Advisors: Martin Krokosek and Marie-Josee Fortin) [Research Scientist, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada].
Frishkoff, Luke. 2016-2017. How the evolutionary history of Anolis lizards has influenced their abilities to withstand anthropogenic changes in the modern era. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. (Advisor-Luke Mahler; co-advisor-Marie-Josee Fortin) [Assistant Professor, Biology at the University of Texas at Arlington].
Edge, Chris. 2013-2017. Connectivity of urban landscapes. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service]
D’Alioa, Cassidy. 2015-2016. Marine protected areas. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Postdoc Fellow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution]
Daigle, Remi. 2013-2016. Marine protected areas. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Senior Biologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada-Maritimes Region]
Linke, Julia. 2011-2015. High-resolution global maps of forest loss in the Miramichi River Basin. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Coordinator of ABBY-NET].
O’Farrill, Georgina. 2012-2014 Functional connectivity in a dynamic landscape. Department of EEB, University of Toronto. [Project Coordinator at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation].
Leighton, Patrick. 2012. Lyme disease spread. (EEB, University of Toronto) [Associate Professor Universite de Montreal]
Kirby, Kate. 2011-2016. Ecosystem analysis. (Department of EEB, University of Toronto)
Beyer, Hawthorne. 2010-2011. Animal movement. (Department of EEB, University of Toronto) [Research Scientist, University of Queensland, Australia]
Montane, Francesc. 2011. Forest modeling. (EEB, University of Toronto) [Postdoc, Michigan State University]
McCauley, Shannon. 2010. Dragonfly ecology. (EEB, University of Toronto; co-advisor Locke Rowe) [Associate Professor, UTM]
Vepakomma, Udayalakshmi. 2010. Forest canopy gaps. (EEB, University of Toronto) [Senior Scientist in Remote Sensing at FPInnovations]
Strecker, Angela. 2009. Freshwater species spatio-temporal dynamics. (EEB, University of Toronto; co-advisor). [Associate Professor, Director, Institute for Watershed Studies, Western Washington University]
Fall, Andrew. 2001. Spatially-explicit landscape disturbance modelling. (School of Resource and Envir. Management, SFU). [Gowlland Technologies Ltd]
Bélisle, Marc. 2000. Animal model modelling. (Foresterie et Géomatique, Université Laval). [Professor, U. de Sherbrooke]
Manseau, Micheline.1996. Distribution of wolves. (CRBF, Université Laval – Université de Sherbrooke). [Parks Canada]
Cassady St-Clair, Colleen. 1997. Distribution of birds (CRBF, Université Laval – Université de Montréal). [Professor, U. of Alberta]
PhD Students
Greiner, Ariel. 2023. Resilience of multiply stable ecosystems in relation to climate change Department of EEB, University of Toronto [Advisor: M Krkošek, Co-advisor: Fortin M-J [NSERC Postdoc Fellowship]
Andrews, Samantha. 2021. Moving targets: Safeguarding migratory species in a changing ocean. S. Leroux-Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland + Department of EEB, University of Toronto
Bodner, Korryn. 2021. Parasitism, predation & prediction: modelling variations in ecological interactions from mechanisms to networks.
Peller, Tianna. 2021. Applying meta-ecosystem theory to heterogeneous marine systems: trophic regulation, coexistence, and ecosystem functions. Department of Biology, McGill University [Advisor: F Guichard; Co-Advisor: Fortin M-J; Postdoc, Zurich University]
Brice, Marie-Helene. 2020. Modeling tree species under climate change. P. Legendre-Departement de sciences biologiques, Universite de Montreal + Department of EEB, University of Toronto
Firkowski, Carina. 2020. Species spatial interactions under disturbances. M-J Fortin-Department of EEB, University of Toronto + Marc Cadotte-Department of Life Sciences, UTSC
Chin, Andrew. 2018. Fish community responses to the land use change and environmental variability in estuaries.(Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Reseach Associate TRCA]
Aquilue Junyent, Nuria. 2018. Managing forest landscapes under global changes: simulation models for scenario evaluation. (UQAM).
Xuereb, Amanda. 2018. Dispersal, connectivity, and population genetic structure in the sea. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Postdoc Universite Laval]
Colin, Daniel. 2017. Incorporating uncertainty into projections of landscape change. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [ApexMS]
Alexandre Camargo, Martensen. 2017. Spatio-Temporal Connectivity in Dynamic Tropical Fragmented Landscapes. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Associate Professor, Natural Science Center, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil]
Watts, Alexander. 2015. Effects of landscape spatial heterogeneity on host-parasite ecology. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Scientist; bluedot; Toronto]
Jin, Lanna. 2015. A Spatio-temporal Phylogenetic Approach to Community Ecology. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto)
Hall, Aaron. 2015. Anthropogenic impacts on multihabitat species and applications for conservation (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Aquatic Ecologist at Defenders of Wildlife; Denver]
Naujokaitis-Lewis, Ilona. 2014. Influence of climatic and non-climatic factors on range dynamics and conservation priorities of long-distance migratory birds (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto)
Ruppert, Jonathan. 2013. Top-predators as structuring agents in dynamic marine environments (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Research Scientist Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Alberta]
Terrail, Raphaële. 2013. Influence de la colonisation sur les transformations d’un paysage forestier dans l’est du Québec (Canada). (Biologie, UQAR)
Weaver, Jennifer. 2012. Invasive species distribution models: Issues of scale, sample selection bias, transferability and predictions. (Geography, University of Toronto; co-advisor) [Assistant Director, Caltech – Center for Teaching, Learning & Outreach]
Hughes, Josie. 2012. Patterns and processes in forest insect population dynamics.(Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Research Scientist; Environment Climate Change Canada]
Rayfield, Bronwyn. 2009 (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto). Maintaining habitat connectivity for conservation. [Researcher, ApexMS]
James, Patrick. 2009. Interaction disturbances in the boreal forest and the importance of spatial legacies at multiple scales.(Forestry, University of Toronto) [Associate Professor, University of Toronto]
Melles, Stephanie. 2007. Effects of forest connectivity, habitat availability, and intraspecific biotic processes on range expansion: Hooded Warbler (Wilsona citrina) as a model species. (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto) [Associate Professor, Ryerson University]
Orzanco, Maria Gabriela. 2006. Exploration de la fusion des informations pour améliorer la fiabilité locale d’une carte forestière. (Foresterie et Géomatique, Université Laval; co-advisor)
Jordan, Geraldine. 2002. Space, time and uncertainty: Detecting and characterizing boundaries in forest fire disturbances.(School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University) [Assistant Professor, Trinity Western University]
Lavoie, Luc. 2001. Dynamique de la régénération après feu dans le sud de la forêt boréale québécoise. (Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke)
Bélisle, Marc. 2000. Influence de la composition et de la configuration du paysage sur le mouvement des oiseaux forestiers. (Foresterie et Géomatique, Université Laval; co-advisor)[Professor, U. de Sherbrooke]
Master Students
Dimitrov N. 2021 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto).
Turner R. 2019. (Biology, Queens University).
Morin S. 2019. (Biology, Trent University).
MacFarlane S. 2019. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto).
Bargelt L. 2018. (Biology, Trent University).
Blackford, Christopher. 2018. (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto).
Awad, Jaqueline. 2016 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto). [Researcher, DFO]
Ung, Ricardo. 2010 (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto).